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    Apr 25, 2010

    Catalyst won't install on Windows 7

    I had the problem, you might have the problem.

    All you have to do is donate $50 to my paypal and I will tell you... Na, lol.

    Here it is:

    Here’s how I installed my ATI Catlyst Driver 10.3 for the 5870 on Windows 7 x64, when the installer kept crashing.

    1. Run the install package as per normal and wait for it to crash out.

    2. Open a command prompy (Start / Run / CMD )

    3. Type “CD C:\ATI\Support\10-3_vista64_win7_64_dd_ccc_wdm_enu/Bin64” and press enter

    4. Type “ATISetup.exe -install -output screen” and press enter

    Hope that work for you too.

    Credit to D34N0 & Ozzie_O.

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