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    May 30, 2010

    Jay Leno got Cancelled

    It's true, there won't be any more Late Night with Jay Leno.

    Written by: Jonnyfan (
    NBC made a huge mistake in promising The Tonight Show to Conan and for going through with it last year. Jay did a great job with The Tonight Show and always won his time slot. They should have just kept him as host of The Tonight Show and just risked Conan leaving if he wanted to. Now, whatever they do they are being unfair to both hosts. It's not fair to push Conan back a half hour to make room for Jay. It would also be unfair to let Jay go completely. What a mess. Everyone is blaming Jay for the whole thing. But I think if he had it his way, he would have never left The Tonight Show. I think he just went along with it because that's what NBC wanted. Johnny Carson did the show for 30 years, so they should have just let Jay do it for many more years.

    May 21, 2010

    Heroes' Cancelled

    Reference: TVbyTheNumbers

    Apr 25, 2010

    Catalyst won't install on Windows 7

    I had the problem, you might have the problem.

    All you have to do is donate $50 to my paypal and I will tell you... Na, lol.

    Here it is:

    Here’s how I installed my ATI Catlyst Driver 10.3 for the 5870 on Windows 7 x64, when the installer kept crashing.

    1. Run the install package as per normal and wait for it to crash out.

    2. Open a command prompy (Start / Run / CMD )

    3. Type “CD C:\ATI\Support\10-3_vista64_win7_64_dd_ccc_wdm_enu/Bin64” and press enter

    4. Type “ATISetup.exe -install -output screen” and press enter

    Hope that work for you too.

    Credit to D34N0 & Ozzie_O.

    Jan 10, 2010

    The Little Landlord

    Will Ferrell and the little landlord.. Priceless!

    Jan 8, 2010

    The end of 'Lost'? Maybe not...

    The end of Lost is coming in May. Or is it? In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, exec producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof acknowledged that it was entirely possible that The Walt Disney Co., which owns Lost, could sooner or later produce more of Lost in some form or multiple forms—a movie, a new TV series, books. Said Cuse: “It’s a franchise that’s conservatively worth billions of dollars. It’s hard to imagine Lost will rest on the shelves and nothing will ever be made with Lost. Eventually somebody will make something under the moniker of Lost — whether we do it or not. We just made a commitment to this group of characters whose stories are coming to a conclusion this May.”

    Yes, Disney could indeed revive the Lost franchise in the future, a la Star Trek: The Next Generation. One could imagine a whole new group of people coming to The Island and having a monster-hunted, Others-persecuted, time-toggled adventure of their own. My guess, though, is that won’t happen until Disney had milked every last dollar out of the work the Team Darlton Regime has produced. There must be years worth of DVD product that Disney can churn out: DVDs that tell the story of Lost in chronological order; DVDs that focus on characters, like “Greatest Hits: Charlie,” or maybe “Smokey’s Greatest Puffs;” etc.; or DVDs that focus on the core mythology episodes. This is exactly what Twentieth Century Fox did with The X-Files for years, and I suspect Disney will mimic their model. And they should. It’s smart business. And once the original Lost well has been pumped dry, and once Disney allows for a little more time to pass so the prospect of a rebooting and relaunching Lost won’t seem so heretical… they will.

    In other words: Someday, someone will try do to Lost what J.J. Abrams did to Star Trek. (Emphasis on try.)

    But all this business blather about Next Gen Lost is boring and even kinda sad—so let’s have some fun with it. Recently, the leading Lost wiki asked its Twitter followers for their ideas of a Lost spin-off. I responded by pitching my idea for a show about the REAL Henry Gale, the balloonist who crashed (and died) on The Island sometime before the castaways. (You can read my detailed summary of the proposed pilot episode in this Doc Jensen column from May 2007.) I now bring a version of the question to you: If there was a Lost: The Next Generation, with new characters and tweaked mythology, what should it be about? Use the message boards below to pitch your vision. And if you’d rather pitch a Lost spin-off, go for it—but I hope you’d also Twitter your idea, too. Make sure to include #lostspin, and give a shout-out to @lostpedia, too.


    Oct 7, 2009

    Need a Vacation?

    Let's hope Walley World is open.

    The 1983 Chevy Chase classic National Lampoon's Vacation is gearing up for another go-round, according to The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog.

    This time around, the story would follow now-grown son Rusty Griswold as he prepares to take his own children on a family getaway. No word whether Chase or Beverly D'Angelo would appear, though they have appeared in European-, Christmas- and Vegas-themed sequels. (And we vote for Jane Krakowski to reprise her role as creepy Cousin Vicki.)

    The original, which was written by the late John Hughes and directed by John Landis, followed the misadventures of the Griswold family as they attempt to drive to a Disneyland-like theme-park and are beset by problems of biblical proportions. The story was based on a childhood roadtrip Hughes endured with his family.

    Maybe just leave the dog at home this time.

    Reference: E! online

    Sep 19, 2009

    Aaron, Kate, Jack

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