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    Sep 1, 2009

    Michael Emerson - Handcuffed for Equality

    Michael Emerson, in cuffs, again... But this time he's not on the island, no. He's on a shoot for the NOH8 Campaign the cuffs are - symbolizing not only his character's tendency to find himself held captive, but more importantly representing the restraints put on the GLBT community as a direct result of Proposition 8 and similar legislation around the country. says
    Michael Emerson is the first main character from LOST to join the campaign, but we'd love for his fellow cast members to get in touch with us and join our fight for marriage equality too - so consider this your open invitation! If Benjamin Linus can do it, so can you. J That includes you, Damon and Carlton!
    We also want to congratulate Mr. Emerson on the recent news of his third consecutive Emmy Nomination for his portrayal of Ben on the series. Good luck at the Emmys, Michael - we're rooting for you!

    Reference: The NOH8 Campaign

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