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    Oct 7, 2009

    Need a Vacation?

    Let's hope Walley World is open.

    The 1983 Chevy Chase classic National Lampoon's Vacation is gearing up for another go-round, according to The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog.

    This time around, the story would follow now-grown son Rusty Griswold as he prepares to take his own children on a family getaway. No word whether Chase or Beverly D'Angelo would appear, though they have appeared in European-, Christmas- and Vegas-themed sequels. (And we vote for Jane Krakowski to reprise her role as creepy Cousin Vicki.)

    The original, which was written by the late John Hughes and directed by John Landis, followed the misadventures of the Griswold family as they attempt to drive to a Disneyland-like theme-park and are beset by problems of biblical proportions. The story was based on a childhood roadtrip Hughes endured with his family.

    Maybe just leave the dog at home this time.

    Reference: E! online

    Sep 19, 2009

    Aaron, Kate, Jack

    Sep 1, 2009

    Michael Emerson - Handcuffed for Equality

    Michael Emerson, in cuffs, again... But this time he's not on the island, no. He's on a shoot for the NOH8 Campaign the cuffs are - symbolizing not only his character's tendency to find himself held captive, but more importantly representing the restraints put on the GLBT community as a direct result of Proposition 8 and similar legislation around the country. says
    Michael Emerson is the first main character from LOST to join the campaign, but we'd love for his fellow cast members to get in touch with us and join our fight for marriage equality too - so consider this your open invitation! If Benjamin Linus can do it, so can you. J That includes you, Damon and Carlton!
    We also want to congratulate Mr. Emerson on the recent news of his third consecutive Emmy Nomination for his portrayal of Ben on the series. Good luck at the Emmys, Michael - we're rooting for you!

    Reference: The NOH8 Campaign

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    Kim Zolciak - Topless for Prop 8

    The Real Housewife, Kim Zolciak decided to throw of her shirt and go topless for the NOH8 campaign.

    She recorded "Tardy to the Party" (out on iTunes today! what timing!) and therefore is exempt from party tardiness for forever.

    Plus, the No H8 club is gaining new members every day, most recently Lost's Michael Emerson and ex-Grey's Anatomy doctor Isaiah Washington, to name a couple.

    And lastly, there is no such thing as tardy for a cause, any support is good support.

    Reference: E! online

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    Aug 27, 2009

    Spotify goes iPhonic

    The app was submitted several weeks ago. Apple has just approved it! Soon the Spotify application will be available in the App Store.

    “The current status as of right now is it’s been approved and we hope to add the app to the more than 65,000 apps on the app store very soon,” an Apple spokesperson tells MocoNews. “We’ve been in constant communication working with the developer and have already notified Spotify that the app will be in the app store very soon.”

    The app will require a premium subscription to be used. That means that you will have to pay for a "pass" to be able to listen to music, but you can listen to all the music you want.

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    Aug 21, 2009

    Inglourious Basterds

    Nazi occupied France, and a young Jewish refugee Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the slaughter of her family by Colonel Hans Landa. Narrowly escaping with her life, she plots her revenge several years later when German war hero Fredrick Zoller quickly takes an interest in her and arranges an illustrious movie premiere at the theater she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance, the event catches the attention of the "Basterds", a group of Jewish-American guerrilla soldiers led by the ruthless Lt. Aldo Raine. As the relentless executioners advance and the conspiring young girl's plans are set in motion, their paths will cross for a fateful evening that will shake the very annals of history.

    Reference: IMDb

    I think this movie is going to be great! Quentin Tarantino's movies are all masterpieces, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, From dusk till dawn and more. I noticed that B.J. Novak from the office is in this movie. That will be quite a turn off character from his side. So go and see Inglourious Basterds!

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    NBC House Promo

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    Aug 11, 2009

    More about Juliet on Lost

    Elizabeth Mitchell will be fighting reptilian aliens instead of spending time on Hawaii, though she will take some time to fly down there to give us a proper sendoff!

    We will see Juliet,
    "Pretty immediately, and then I'm not sure after that but I think it will be satisfactory."

    Mitchell actually knows everything that is going to happen to Juliet this season.

    Though she didn't give away that much, she gave one resolution that made fans smile and sigh. But what fans are smiling? Haters or Lovers? Watch the video to find out! Then hit the comments below.

    Reference: E! online

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    Watch new Lost Interviews with almost everyone from Lost.

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    Aug 8, 2009

    30 Rock s1-3

    Watch live video from sallads's channel on

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    Aug 7, 2009

    Say no to Sharks - Robert Pattinson

    Sharks and Vampires are quite alike, so you would think they should get along.. But they bather vampires like Robert Pattinson.

    Jimmy Fallon in a tree, dressed as Robert Pattinsons character, again. It's not Harry Potter this time, no it's the Discovery Channel's Shark Week. He also started a express his frustrations.

    "Sharks are Stupid"
    "Sharks bite people when they smell blood. Sound familiar? Oh year, wait! They're like vampires. Copycat fishes! Copyfishes. I can fly. Sharks can swim. That's pathetic."

    Kristen Stewart makes an appearance in the video as well. Pattz admits they're secretly together and he loves her. Then she confesses she would rather watch Shark Week than Cash Cab, he gives her a kiss and tosses her from the tree.

    Loved it!

    Reference: E! online
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    Aug 6, 2009

    Paula Abdul's Chair is Not Empty

    48 hours after Paula Abdul left American Idol, a 35-year-old-Soccer-Wife toke her chair. Non-other than Victoria Beckham will be joining the judges table.

    However, it's only temporarily, possibly a "one off appearance."

    Think this is a good idea? Who else would you like to see square off with Simon?

    Reference: E! online
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    Paula Abdul is On Her Way

    The judging is not over for Paula Abdul, only 24 hours after turning her back on American Idol, she was going to Peachtree City, Ga., to finish shooting her upcoming cameo on the Lifetime dramedy Drop Dead Diva.

    Judge Paula will, tomorrow, shoot a scene for the Oct. 11 season finale, she will give Jane (Brooke Elliott) some relationship pointers, in a dream sequence.

    And, presumably, to tell the spiritually transposed model that she looks amazing.

    Reference: E! online

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    New Design

    I've just updated the new design as you can see. Hope you like it! I think the Logo turned out good.. What do you think?

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    Aug 4, 2009

    Returns to Lost

    Boone Carlyle

    Some Lost Information showed up on an unexpected place at the Comic-Con. Ian Somerhalder, also known as Boone, plays a brooding vampire in the New Vampire Diaries Show, and was asked by Lynette Rice what this would mean for him and Lost.

    We were actually talking about it today and... Boone will be coming back to Lost.

    Somerhalder said nothing else about this, but we can only try to figure out who else will return to the island.

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    Jul 31, 2009

    Official ABC Comic-Con

    Visit DarkUFO for more!

    Flash problems

    Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Icon

    I just spent the entire day looking for a way to get H..264 streams on to work. Now, just before I was about to go to bed. I found it! The solution was to uninstall the newest version of Flash and install This Version. It works perfect!

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    Jul 27, 2009

    Lost The Finale Season Info: Claire, Charlie and Shannon

    Cynthia in Ireland: I was so happy to hear about Charlie, Shannon and Claire returning to Lost next season, and then so bummed to find out that nothing except Claire is for sure yet. What's the current status of various dead castmembers returning to Lost?

    Even though Dominic Monaghan is said to be appearing on another ABC show next season, reportedly Flash Forward, we're just paranoid enough to think it might be a double cross, and that D.M. might actually be heading back to Lost after (or in addition to) whatever else he does on the Alphabet Net. Why do we think this? Because very reliable sources now tell us that there is "mutual interest" (between the Lost PTB and Dominic Monaghan) in bringing about a season-six return visit by Charlie Pace. Look for official developments in the next week or two.


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    Jul 26, 2009

    2009 Comic-Con Day 4 Videos

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    Jul 25, 2009

    2009 Comic-Con Day 3 Videos

    Videos: Day 3

    Via IMDB

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    2009 Comic-Con Day 2 Videos

    Videos: Day 2

    Via IMDB

    Jul 24, 2009

    Funny People July 31 2009

    So... Funny people is written and directed by Judd Apatow.

    She has directed movies like:
    Pineapple Express

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall


    Knocked up

    She wrote movies like:
    Pineapple Express

    You Don't Mess with the Zohan

    Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

    Knocked Up

    Fun with Dick and Jane

    The 40 Year Old Virgin

    The movie is about George who is a successful stand up comedian who will come to learn something that will change his life. Ira is a struggling up-and-coming stand up comedian who works at a deli and has yet to figure out his onstage persona. One night they perform at the same club and George takes notice of Ira and his act.

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    Photos from Comic-Con 2009

    Click here to view all!

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    2009 Comic-Con Day 1 Videos

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    Jul 23, 2009

    Watch Johnny Depp's 'Alice in Wonderland' trailer

    The trailer for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" is truly and officially here.

    See pictures from 'Alice in Wonderland.'

    Of course, the trailer saves the best for last, when Johhny Depp appears as a definitely mad Mad Hatter.

    You can find the trailer here!

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    Comic-Con: Is Elizabeth Mitchell returning to 'Lost'?

    After last season's explosive "Lost" finale, fans were abuzz trying to figure out just what the heck that flash of light meant for everyone on the island.

    The character most in jeopardy, was Elizabeth Mitchell's Juliet, whom we last saw detonating a nuclear device. Mitchell was one of the panelists at Thursday's (July 23) "Entertainment Weekly: Wonder Women: Female Power Icons in Pop Culture" panel at Comic-Con, and her possible return to "Lost" was on everyone's mind.

    It really depends," Mitchell says. "I was talking to [producers] Damon [Lindeloff] and Carlton [Cuse], and they [told me], the best thing to say [here] is [that a return] depends on whether Jack's plan [to prevent the crash from ever happening] works or not

    Of course, Mitchell is a series regular on the new show "V" -- which films in Vancouver -- which could provide a wrinkle in any comeback plans since that's quite a distance from Hawaii where "Lost" is shot. However, both shows air on ABC, so here's hoping everyone plays nice and lets her appear on both shows.

    News-story from Zap2it

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    Comic-Con 2009

    Day 1 Videos
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    So remember to bookmark this site to stay up to date!

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    Jul 22, 2009

    Mr. Eko is Back?

    When Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje left the TV-Show Lost, lost fans, the producers - didn't know he would want come back. He left the show in the year of 2006 because of the death of his parents. He says

    It was a very traumatic year.

    ABC are happy to announce that they will bring Mr. Eko back to the island where he belongs, including a fat paycheck", Adewale says

    To be able to give that rich character some completion would be nice

    Via TvGuide

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    Jul 15, 2009


    new V series abc

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    Jun 23, 2009

    World's Tiniest Bluetooth

    World's Tiniest Bluetooth Earpiece Is Unveiled on The Office

    it's not this one that is mentioned in the tv show "The Office". But this is the smallest headset in the world...

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    Jun 18, 2009

    Apple iPhone 3.0 Review

    Today was Apple’s iPhone 3.0 Software event, and iPhone users will now have to think up a bunch of other things to moan about in its wake. Among the laundry list of over 100 new feature additions are some of the most frequently talked about omissions, including Cut, Copy & Paste, MMS, landscape keyboard support for all main Apple applications, and push notification for third-party apps.

    New iPhone SDK

    But that’s just a taste of what was revealed at Cupertino today. Developers will probably be a very happy crowd, since the new developer’s SDK gives them access to over 1,000 new APIs.

    Push Notification

    That includes the above mentioned push notification API, which allows developers to provide audio, text or badge icon notifications for their apps. Just to be clear, the apps aren’t actually running in the background, which Apple says is too costly in terms of battery life. Instead, updates are pushed from the developers server using Apple’s own notification system.

    (Video by Apple |

    Google Maps

    Other highlights for developers include Google Maps integration, so that maps will open right in the apps, instead of redirecting users outside to the official app. Some apps have tried to get around this by using their own maps, or maps from Yahoo, but the result has been clumsy at best.

    Peripheral Support

    Also noteworthy is hardware-specific app integration, which allows apps to be designed to work with different peripherals, connected to the iPhone via either the proprietary dock connector or Bluetooth. Demos of how this might work included using the iPhone as an equalizer for a stereo dock, and as a blood glucose monitor with a blood-testing device for diabetics.


    Bluetooth can also now be used for peer-to-peer support, allowing iPhones to communicate with each other for multiplayer gaming, and other applications. App developer Smule showed off using this to perform a musical duet with their new Leaf Trombone instrument application.

    Turn-by-Turn Navigation

    The iPhone will also be able to support turn-by-turn navigation when 3.0 is released, although developers will have to provide their own maps due to licensing issues. Still, expect to see Garmin or some of the other big names jump on this bandwagon early.

    Business Models/Payment Schemes

    Last but not least, apps will be able to offer paid content, upgrades, and subscriptions from within, sidestepping the App Store altogether. This means the doors are open to a whole host of new business models, which could decrease a lot of the current clutter with regards to different versions of apps depending on price, and the litany of stand-alone book and comic apps. EA demoed the Sims 3 to show how this system can be used in terms of additional downloadable content in games.
    iPhone 3.0 for End-Users


    Developers aside, iPhone end-users will be pleased to find that many of their prayers have been answered. A full, cross-app, platform-wide Copy/Paste solution is present in 3.0, and it works exactly like Kevin Rose described yesterday. HTML copy is supported, as is image cutting, copying, and pasting, and you can now paste multiple images into an email as attachments.

    Landscape Typing

    The landscape keyboard can now be used in Mail, Notes and the new Messaging app, which replaces SMS. Good news for the chubby-fingered, like myself. This is a huge plus, since it’ll decrease some app store clutter and free up some space on my home screen.

    MMS and A2DP

    Messaging now supports MMS (iPhone 3G only), including picture, audio, contact and location messages. A2DP stereo support is also now present for owners of the 3G model iPhone, so you can break out those neglected Bluetooth headphones and enjoy being wire-free.

    Voice Memo

    A new Voice Memo app takes the place of the many third-party recorder apps currently available, allowing you to record, save, and email audio files natively.


    Also completely new is Spotlight, and iPhone version of the Mac’s integrated search. Accessible by swiping left from your home screen, it gives you one-stop searching across your phone. Search is now present in Mail, SMS and basically every default Apple application. Spotlight will also search the names of third-party apps, so you can use it as a launcher if you have lots of pages on your springboard.

    Overall, iPhone 3.0 seems like a long overdue correction of a number of oversights, with some exciting development tools thrown in. Don’t get too excited yet, though, since most of us will still have to wait for summer to take advantage of the new features. Developers can get their hands on a development beta right now, though. When it does drop, the update will be free for iPhone users, but iPod touch owner (both generations) will have to pay $9.95 for the update.

    Article by Darrell Etherington |
    Video by Apple |

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    Jun 17, 2009

    iPhone OS 3.0 is here soon!

    Many of the iPhone's long-awaited features will finally become reality Wednesday when Apple rolls out iPhone OS 3.0.

    At long last, cut-copy-paste comes to the iPhone Wednesday.

    Current iPhone owners can download the software from iTunes for free, and iPod Touch users can get it as well, but for a fee of $9.95, just like the last OS update. What time exactly, we don't know yet. Apple will only say iPhone OS 3.0 will come out sometime Wednesday.
    The update includes many functions other phones have had for a while, including multimedia messaging (if supported by your carrier--AT&T won't offer it until later this summer), voice recording, buying and renting movies and TV shows over the air, full system search, tethering (again, if your carrier allows it), and push notifications.

    Apple has also bundled in some extras, like landscape virtual keyboard for certain apps, more extensive parental controls, in-app purchasing, and a feature for MobileMe customers called Find My Phone.

    There will also be stereo Bluetooth available, as well as the capability to create applications specifically for interfacing with third-party hardware. That could lead to a boon in the accessories market for the iPhone as well as the iPod Touch, as my CNET colleague Donald Bell has pointed out.

    As anticipated as Wednesday's OS 3.0 launch is, it's only the second most important product rollout for Apple this week. The new iPhone 3G S is scheduled to hit stores Friday morning. In the meantime, check out our First Take of the new iPhone and our detailed look at OS 3.0.

    (Credit: James Martin/CNET)

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